Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame

It’s going to be impossible to review this movie without spoilers, but that’s what I will try to do!

The end of an era!

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Now if you haven’t yet seen Infinity War then you should probably stop reading now! 

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Infinity War was definitely Thanos’s movie, and Endgame is the Avengers. Thanos has whipped out 50% of all living creatures. And that includes most of the Avengers!

What the Russo brothers did beautifully was not just create a movie about fighting back something that ultimately won in the last movie, but show the affects it had on the remaining heroes.

This isn’t a “we’re heroes but we’re here together, let’s make the best of it” the heroes feel. Let can’t move on. Each of them lost, not just the fight with the big bad guy but something near and dear to them. Each of them feels a sense of failure and a responsibility to fix it.

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Scott aka Ant-man, who survived the snap because he was stuck in a Quantum realm, which was shown at the end credits of Ant-man and the Wasp. We also get Captain Marvel meeting the gang, which was a to see her with the very heroes we know and love.

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They really showed how strong she really is a lot more than her actual movie and I ended up liking her movie in this one.

What’s shown in the trailer is really all I can really talk about without spoilers and there’s a whole lot more…it’s three hours long!

Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hulk, Hawkeye, War Machine, Nebula, and Ant-man come up with a plan that puts everything on line for this to win.

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I remember the first trailer of Iron Man was first released and to have followed it through 22 movies, 11 years, and this be it, it was definitely hard see them all and know this was the last chapter of the story.

I cried too many times to count!

I laughed, again cried, edge of my seat, cheered out loud!

These are were much more than just movies, these heroes were much more than characters. Going in I knew they were going to have a great movie to end it all, all come together. What they created was much more! Cinematic masterpiece!

Rather you’ve been along the MCU from the beginning or not, you won’t leave disappointed. For a three hour movie, it never once felt too long or slow in any parts. That is something rare and truly shows the beautiful work done in the MCU.

Thank you MARVEL!

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Netflix Daredevil Season 3 Review

Daredevil returns and let’s the devil out…well he did before that’s why he’s the Daredevil but now he’s pissed, more so than before. Look Daredevil was believed dead and returns, plain and simple badassery!

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Waiting for two years for season 3 and a lot has happened but the quick refresher is everyone believes Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) died when a building collapsed on him and Elektra in Defenders. Which also means the death of Daredevil or at least people know he’s been MIA. Truth is Matt survived and is in the care of his old orphanage in the church.

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Matt, trying to heal from his wounds reveals that he has lost hope of redemption and acceptance of being alone. Foggy and Paige have their own worries, still believing that Matt is missing or worse actually dead, get the news that Fisk is working with the FBI and doing so has granted protection from them.

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Not only is Fisk aka Kingpin back to causing chaos in Hell’s Kitchen but a new villain, one that matches Daredevil. I had heard about a new villain being introduced in the upcoming season, and it was going to be one that might end up beating Daredevil. However, I didn’t know who are what the characters name would be or what he looked liked. Which made the reveal all the more satisfying. The origin of Dex aka Bulleye was very interesting and dark as Daredevil intended and got in invested in in the first place.

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Matt has always struggled with the right and wrong and dealing with some much deaths and betrayals it was a matter of time before he snapped but what made the show so unique is both are dealing with heavy stuff. But how and why they do it shows how similar they are and that’s what’s scary to watch when your hero is on the low point. It makes a damn good show though!

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I knew the action sequences were going to be amazing but they still manage to show something we haven’t yet seen. This show continues to evolve and if they continue what they have built I see it going on for a bit longer. It’s a show I know I will binge watch and enjoy every minute of it.

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Daredevil is show that illustrates the dark side of being a hero and the light. The light being getting out so much darkness. The way it ended I’m 100% certain there will be a season 4 but what excites me is the growth these characters have had and continue to. I look forward to see them pushed to the limits again, because their the good guys, and to see more of what villain takes up Daredevil again…like a new and improve one.

If you haven’t watched season 3, do yourself a favor and GO NOW!

Marvel’s Ant-man and the Wasp Movie Review

Best things come in small forms! Totally not a sexual innuendo! 

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Taken place after the events of Civil War, Ant-man (Paul Rudd) is under house-arrest and dealing with a fallout with Hope ( Evangeline Lilly) and Hank(Michael Douglas) . Scott wants nothing more than to complete his sentence and move on, which worked well in the first movie. Hope and Hank drag him into another mission but now Hope is the Wasp.

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Ghost (Hannah John-Kamen) a new threat appears, someone who can walk through walls, trying to get a tool created by Hank and Hope. A second villain played by Walton Goggins is in the mixed. Though he’s involvement seems a bit odd, I actually enjoyed it. Not to mention, leaving an open door to some new threats for future films. That’s always good.

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The action sequences are, as expected, awesome! From the car chases, to the Wasp fighting multiple guys in a kitchen, to the duo! Another aspect I’m glad worked was their comedic timing. Luis (Michael Pena) returns funnier than the first film and much more screen time! This dude had me laughing so much and I’m so glad they not only brought him back but used him more. Good call Marvel!

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Ant-man and the Wasp was beyond a good time, it’s a film that hits all the right spots! Actions that keep you locked in! Hilarious! Questions to what comes next and that’s how it should be. Keeping it completely vague, Ant-man and the Wasp is worth watching, awesome summer movie and a great addition to another set of fantastic lineup in the Marvel Universe.

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Marvel fan know this, but I’ll say it anyway…stay until the end of the credits for two, 2, post credit scenes. 


Deadpool 2 Movie Review

Filthy language…just what I needed.


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With the success of Deadpool, the studio would be crazy not to make a sequel. But like so many movies sequels do tend to suck balls. Deadpool 2 isn’t one of them!

Ryan Reynolds is the perfect Deadpool and glad he returned with more innuendos, filthy language, and fourth wall breaking!

Deadpool is now taking out bad guys but when Cable (Josh Brolin) arrives with a vengeance to kill mutant kid with fire abilities, Deadpool is wanting to ignore him but help him at the same time.

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Like the trailer shows he must put together a group of people to help him take out Cable. Going into a Deadpool movie, you’re expecting laughs, a lot of them, but what really surprised me was the sensitive side. I teared up a few times! Domino (Zazie Beetz) was a total badass! Proves that good luck is definitely a superpower.

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There were so many moments, that I can’t say because that would spoil the moment, that were so cleverly placed or mentioned that had me dying of laughter. Though this review is on the vague side, I can say Deadpool was every that is meant to be, surprising with the direction they decided to go on, and proved that Ryan Reynolds was born to play Wilson!

Don’t know if they will make a 3 film, however the way it ended it does make it possible for a third movie. The big question is if this movie beats out the first and really their two separate movies. The first was a basic movie of a guy trying to save his girlfriend and this one is a guy with superpowers choosing if he really wants to be a hero or not. I love both! If I need a laugh Deadpool is there to help and I couldn’t ask for anything more!

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