Smile Movie Review

I will never see a smiling chart the same way again.

Dr. Rose played by Sosie Bacon is a psychiatrist for trauma patients when she is assigned a new patient that ends up taking her life right in front of her. Tragic, only before her death she claims to have been seeing things, like people with a creepy smiles.

Distraught Rose begins to see things her patient told her about and learns that she and her patient aren’t the only ones. Going into this movie I was expecting jump scares and maybe good fright. What I didn’t expect was that this movie actually had a deeper meaning. For example, the effects trauma has on somebody’s mind.

Without giving to much away, Rose teams up with old flame/ detective Joel played by Kyle Gallner. They find out that each patient that has committed suicide, witnessed a suicide and end up killing themselves a few days later in the most horrendous ways with a smile on their faces. Rose then realizes that her encounter with her patient from earlier in the movie has somehow transferred to her and now has a few days until it ends up killing her.

I will say that this movie did remind me a little bit of The Ring, with the you see something horrible then you die in 7 days. The movie did a great job in giving you anxiety and make you question everything just as Rose herself questions things. Though I want to talk more about this movie, I definitely wouldn’t want to spoil anything. But there is a scene that had me so uncomfortable and I know it’s going to stay in my head. Overall, Smile surprised me, and though it didn’t scare me, I did love the overall concept, with or without an entity. Great Halloween movie.

Barbarian Movie Review

If you think because you’ve seen the trailer you got it all figured out, to quote the Grinch “wrong-o.”

The movie starts out with Tess (Georgina Campbell) driving up to the air bnb house during a heavy rain at the dead of night. She notices that the box holding the key to the house is missing. Suddenly she notices lights inside the house and Bill Skarsgard’s character opens the door, just as confused as her. Two separate people booking the same air bnb house on the same dates.

Keith, Bill Skarsgard’s character offers Tess the bedroom until they can revolve the issue in the morning. With it being a horror movie, Tess takes the offer since she has an important interview in the morning. Now if you’re thinking “girl what are you doing? Sleep in the car!” Morning comes and when Tess is leaving she notices that the house is in the middle of run down area, surrounded by broken homes, trash on the lawns and street. She clearly didn’t research the area before booking.

Tess returns to the house ready to, as we sane people who know better say, get the fuck out of there, when she notices a secret door in the basement. If you think you can figure out what’s going to happen, again NO! Keith returns to a distraught Tess and instead of listening to her and bouncing out, he does what every guy does…goes to look.

It was at this point in the movie where I truly did not know where this movie was going. I was completely taken back, confused and then I was what the fuck, what the fuck, WHAT THE FUCK the whole time. Without spoiling anything, which I don’t want to do, I will say don’t try to figure out the movie from the trailer or the title because you will definitely not figure it out. We’re at a point that movies, especially horror movies are predictable. We’ve all seen it before or it’s all CGI with tons of jump scares, which I don’t consider it being scary.

Barbarian surprised me and had me on edge and feeling uncomfortable. It took a quick turn that shocked me and for it to continue to effect me long after the movie, I have to give it props! Barbarian is a movie that makes you think of multiple times all at once then not knowing what to believe anymore. Definitely a must watch and if you can watch on the big screen.

Happy Death Day Movie Review

A month long of Halloween movies isn’t long enough. So the month of September and October is going to be dedicated to horror films. The first is a murder groundhogs day.

College student Tree (Jessica Rothe) wakes up in bed of another college student Carter (Israel Broussard). Completely dismissing him she dresses and wakes out. Straight off the bat Tree is your typical chick. Bitchy, stuck up and gives zero fucks.

Returning to her sorority it’s revealed that it’s her birthday, which is tries to keep hidden from everyone. Even though her ringtone is “it’s your birthday.” Later that night is walking to go to a party when she is attacked and killed by a baby masked person. Tree wakes up in the same dorm room as the beginning of the movie.

Tree realizes it’s a loop starts losing it after she’s killed multiple times in different ways and places. She confides in Carter, knowing he’s going to forget the next day and he suggests that if she finds out who the killer is than the curse of murder-a-loop will be broken. That’s where the movie really gets interesting, finding out who the killer is. As well of the character growth of Tree. From the start she was definitely not likable and after each resurrection she became a much likable person. You know what they say, “a few times dying can really change a person.” Okay, no one says that but it’s true!

Though the killer was somewhat obvious it was still very enjoyable to watch it play out. I will say major props to Jessica Rothe who carried the film. I do hope she continues to get roles but she definitely has potential. Overall, I found the movie enjoyable and a great Halloween movie to watch if you’re looking for a more mystery based than horror, but with a good few jump scares.

PassionFlix’s Wicked Movie Review

I don’t know why but Avril Lavigne was playing in my head. Just wanted to put that out there.

Passionflix: Wicked trailer delivers fae-hunting goodness

Wicked is the adaption of the same name by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I loved the series and was excited when they were going to make into a movie, what I forgot was where it was going to be on. Sometimes I remember who I am when I have so much optimism.

Faes, a cooler way to say fairies, are among humans, so it’s the job of an organization called The Order, to get rid of them. Ivy (Anna Maiche) is part of that organization and is injured during an altercation with one of them and meets Wade Wilson’s son. Arrow reference if you didn’t get that. Ren (Liam Hall) is a new member and helps Ivy from bleeding to death.

Wicked (The Wicked Trilogy) (2021) - IMDb

I’m just going to say. Like a band aid, ripping it off. When I say chessy, I mean it as the nicest way possible, and in no way do I blame the actors because they’re really good actors, but JESUS H. CHRIST! The writing…who approved this!

And again I’m saying it, I’m not buying the whole “it’s the low budget’s fault.” NO MA’MA! I’ve seen fan made movies with a budget of $0 that are amazing. From the beginning, from the start, Ivy is shot and doesn’t flinch or even says “ow.” SHE WAS SHOT BY A GUN and she continues running until her destination and falls. Movies are fake, yes I’m aware, HOWEVER that stood out like a sore thumb from the very beginning. I should have known it was going to be all down hill from there.

Jennifer L. Armentrout's Wicked a brilliant paranormal debut for Passionflix

When I’m reading, and this goes for any book, when there’s a fight scene I picture choreographed scenes like Star wars, Avengers, Lord of the Rings, Kill Bill. Or small fights like King’s Men, Batman vs. Bane, Black Widow fighting anyone, Wonder Woman, Elecktra from Daredevil, Daredevil. You get it, I picture bad assery! I obviously asked for too much. The fight scenes were very slow and looked fake and awkward. Again, look budget films have done great work so can’t use that as an excuse.

anna maiche Tumblr posts -

I feel like I’m ripping them a new one, so let’s talk about what I did like. Ivy and Ren are now on the hunt for Ancients, they’re basically much more powerful faes than the lower ones. They learn that Ancients are looking to opening the door to their world and enter into theirs. Spending so much time together and being two single attractive people, sparks fly. The chemistry between Hall and Maiche is pretty believable and you can see they spent more time getting the sensual dance scene then perfecting the fighting sequences. Had to put that in there, just fix the fight scene please!

Wicked (The Wicked Trilogy) (2021) - IMDb

Andrew Rogers as Tink, and before you say he looks stupid, hold your horses and horses hold you breathe! Rogers killed as Tink and wish he was in it more! Tink is a brownie, magical creature that hate the fae too. He was badly injured and Ivy found him and took him in. Any magical creatures are meant to be put down, so having saved Tink is a big fat no no. Tink and Ivy are now friends/roommates but he must be kept hidden and kept a secret. Tink is a funny, shopaholic, horny, sassy, ripped for a little guy.

Primeras imágenes de la futura película 'Wicked' basada en la trilogía de  Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Order are now on high alert when they learn that The Prince, a very powerful fae, has entered into the world looking for his Queen, a halfling. No disrespect to Kevin Joy who plays the Prince but he straight up looked like Constantine Maroulis from American Idol! This dude is suppose to be very menacing, hot a fuck (I’ll give him the attractiveness part) ruthless, just a scary bad guy and he didn’t feel like that. And I go back to the writing. The actors have to work with what they get and that sucks because this was the only fae look I approved of.

I’m a huge fan of not just of the series but of Jennifer L. Armentrout, so as much as I trashed this movie, will I continue watching it? Of course I will! With better writers, direction, CHOREOGRAPHERS, the sequel could be a really great adaption.

Mortal Kombat Movie Review

As Luke Cage said- “We got a guy with things comin’ out of his hands, we got another guy who freezes stuff, and then there’s a man, who as far as I can tell, is made out of electricity. I mean, how did he disappear like that? What is goin’ on here?

He isn’t in here but come on, he pretty much summed it up!

VWLS – Emergence (Mortal Kombat 2021 Trailer Music) |

The movie starts off with a back story of Hanzo Hasashi aka Scorpion and Sub-Zero. This is something I’m glad they changed, because the two are mortal enemies and in the original movie they were both working with Shang Tsung. Sub-Zero kills Scorpion’s wife and son.

Now the beginning of the movie is truly beautiful! Watching it you feel the danger, anger and despair that Hiroyuki Sanada portrays as Scorpion. Not to mention the awesome fatalities!

Mortal Kombat Director Explains Why There's No Tournament in the Movie

Flash forward to present time, the realm Outworld, a wasteland ruled by Shang Tsung, employs warriors to kill Earthrealm champions before the tournament Mortal Kombat begins. All of the champions are chosen by a tattoo that appears as a dragon on their bodies. Cole, a former MMA, meets Jax, and tells him that he too has the same tattoo. As anyone, Cole doesn’t believe him until Sub-Zero attacks him and his family. Cole is then introduced to Sonya, Jax’s partner from Special Forces, along with Kano, her prisoner. After an attack they together head to find Raiden’s Temple.

I have to that they couldn’t have casted a better Kano! Josh Lawson killed it as Kano. The dude was hilarious, witty, a total douchebag. All the great things that made Kano awesome.

Mortal Kombat, Netflix's Stowaway, & 10 new movies you can now watch at  home - Polygon

There they meet Liu Kang and Kung Lao, along with with Raiden, God of Thunder. They now must work together and train the new champions before the tournament begins. I really liked Kung Lao’s character but was a little disappointed with how they made Liu Kang. Granted going from an Americanized Liu Kang to a monk whose a little bit too animated. And I don’t blame the actor! The dude killed it when he had to do the fight scenes but they can only work with what is written for them. So I do hope they fix those issues in the next movie.

Sub-Zero Is the Main Villain in the New Mortal Kombat Movie

Props to the casting director who got Joe Taslim as Sub-Zero. The dude was scary, bad ass and exactly as Sub-Zero should be. This might be a shock to some, but with all the fatalities…there could have been more. Not sure why but it seemed very little. To prove my point, I think of the beginning and three at the end that I can think of. The fatalities should be one of them main things to stick in my brain. Impossible not to compare it to the original and say what you will but as bad as the OG is, you can still watch it and appreciate it. And there was some scenes in the original that did it better than the new one. For example, when the group go one on one with the other team, it’s not memorial and it sure as hell doesn’t feel like life and death. When Liu Kang fought Sub-Zero and Johnny Cage fought Scorpion, not only were those the best scenes, you felt the intensity of the fight. This movie missed the mark on that part a bit.

Mortal Kombat Movie Fatalities Aren't Just Fan Service, Assures Director

All things, it has flaws just like the original but I still enjoyed it! I liked some of the characters, some were either completely ignored or just put in for the sake of it. I will say this…it definitely surpassed Annihilation. I look forward for the next movie and I do hope it does well and they fix these mistakes to make an even better Mortal Kombat.

Gabriel’s Inferno Part 3 Movie Review

Guys! It happened! I never EVER thought it was possible or that it would happened!

I…was bored during a sex scene.

I can hear your gasp, but rest assured I’m okay and will get through this.

This review will be a sort of therapy for myself but warning for it will contain spoilers and a very shocked reviewer.

Gabriel's Inferno Part III (2020) - HD720p - FULL STREAMING | HD-!720p>> “Gabriel's  Inferno Part III” >> ON {{STREAM}}

Julia’s dark past has come back to haunt her. Her ex. Her abusive ex. Before all this it was mentioned that she has had a traumatic experience and with Gabriel not fully telling her his demons she too is reserved. And I will say that they made it seem she had more secrets and she even said “I’m not so innocent” which could mean many things. However, when Julia tells Gabriel that her ex was more verbally abusive to her and walked in on him and her room mate having sex, she says, “now you know all my secrets.” Wait! Did I miss something? Now, abusive relationships are very dangerous and doesn’t always mean physical but what I found a bit off was the fact that it was implied she had more skeletons in her closet. I found it confusing and wondered if I somehow missed something.

Watch | Gabriels Inferno Part III 2020 FU!L_'Movie' HD (720p) | by  Emagdielrufinok | 18+ | Gabriels Inferno Part III 2020 | PassionFlix | Nov,  2020 | Medium

Gabriel is now on protective mode and after the ordeal Julia went through, he reveals to her the meaning behind the name on his chest. His daughter. A woman he only considered a “quick laid” ends up pregnant. He was already an addict and so was she. One night he woke up after being completely hung over and high, to find she had a miscarriage. The guilt consumed him and blames himself for the death of his unborn daughter. This I found very interesting. It brought on a level to his character and him being high with Julia they day they met isn’t as crazy, but it’s still strange they never met before that one night.

It explains why he’s so closed off, why he maybe got into S&M, more for punishment than pleasure. I mean the dude is a Professor who specializes in Dante’s Inferno.

18+ Gabriels Inferno Part III (2020) English 720p AMZN HDRip 800MB |

With them both now revealing their secrets, Gabriel invites Julia to Florence and promises her a memorable and romantic first time. I was rolling my eyes in that part, but I came back because he did have a reason for the travel other than making her first time in another country. Now, up until this point, the third movie, they haven’t had sex so you can say my expectations were high. The entire movie felt very short but not without some of the corniest dialog I have heard to make it seem longer. That’s coming from a die hard romance reading lady right here! I love me some sweet talks, dirty talks, if you will.

Though I have realized that men don’t talk like that, there’s a level of realism in it. It’s confusing, I know. But when a man looks into a woman and says “you’re beautiful” is much more convincing then “being without you is like enduring an endless night without stars.” No. Just no. You don’t have to over romanticize a couple because it comes off unrealistic. Again, 99.9% of the things said in a romance book aren’t things people say to each other, but every book, every character that I truly believe and felt their connection, have a realistic dialog and don’t try so hard in convincing they’re in love.

Gabriel's Inferno Part III~Complete HD [I 2020 -ꜰᴜʟʟMovie] | by Angel Lelga  | Watch ꜰᴜʟʟ.movie || (Gabriel's Inferno Part III) | ꜰᴜʟʟ_Movies!! 2020 |  Nov, 2020 | Medium

But I’m still hopeful. This is the moment I have been waiting for. They are about to do the naughty! To quote Ben Stiller, “really freaky naughty.” Julia and Gabriel are all touchy feely, and undressing each other, and it’s sensual and guys…I was bored! I honestly don’t know what it was that I just wanted to yell ” okay come on pick up the pace guys.” We can argue that, yes this was Julia’s first time and he wanted to go slow but there’s slow and snail prancingly slow! You know what it felt like watching it? Choreographed. It’s a movie, of course it’s choreographed, but it shouldn’t look that way or feel that way. And in no way is that these actors fault because they’re really good actors, especially in scenes that require uncomfortable sex scenes. Unfortunately for me, just didn’t work. And you have no idea how painful it is to write that!

Now with three movies now out, do I feel or believe their in love? No. Are they great movies? No. Will I watch the forth movie? Absolutely. Listen, I have questions and damn it I want them answered!

What photos were Julia’s ex so obsessed in getting?

Will the school ever find out about them?

Why does Gabriel’s brother not like him?

Is Paul really that naive in not realizing that Julia and Gabriel are together? Poor bastard!

gabriel reynard Tumblr posts -

Out of all three, this one is definitely my least favorite because even though the other two weren’t as great I had good laughs in. This one seemed rushed and yet felt like it wouldn’t end. I hate talking bad about anything but it’s my honest opinion, and one I feel really doesn’t matter. People absolutely love these movies, and THAT’S AWESOME! Truly! If you love them, love them and be proud of that! What I love about movies, shows, books, either bad or good, it’s a great conversation starter. And you bet your sweet dollar, I will talk about this movie.

Gabriel’s Inferno part 2 Movie Review

The one thing that I noticed in this erotic tale was…they sure do love note cards.

Will contain spoilers if you haven’t yet seen part 1. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Passionflix | Gabriel's Inferno: Part 2

I HAD SO MANY QUESTIONS! Confusion doesn’t begin to describe what I was feeling while watching part 1. But, that was good because I wanted to watch the sequel to, hopefully, have some of them answered. Luckily, it did answer some of them, only to have more and it followed with laughter. If you didn’t read my review to the first one, I said the movie was funny! There were way too many scenes for it to make me laugh when I should be feeling hot and bothered. That’s the whole point to these movies!

Again, I sounds like I’m trash talking about it and in my opinion, these movies are not good, but I found them entertaining. For 2 hours I had my laugh counts in and in 2020 I NEED EVERY LAST BIT OF IT!

But, let’s talk about part 2 now. Julia peaced out on Gabriel and walked into his elevator like a boss. After his behavior, Julia has had enough but now Gabriel is all interested and suddenly remembers her, because his memory now works. Which was one of my questions. Why didn’t he remember her? And the answer is…he was on crack! Yes, you’ve read that correctly. The guy was on drugs the day they were laying on the field.

Gabriel's Inferno: Part II' Trailer Is Here | Fangirlish

I was not expecting that, and I really should not have laughed as hard as I did but I sure did. Because, out of all the things that could explain his memory loss, that was just not on my list. That still doesn’t change the fact that SHE’S HIS SISTER’S BEST FRIEND! How did they never run into each? I do hope part 3 answers that, because being high just doesn’t cut it for me.

Gabriel reveals to Julia that he waited for her but didn’t know her name and assumed it was all a hallucination caused by the drugs. Again, possible, but I find it very unconvincing. So they decide that with so much sexual attraction between, they should get to know each other but not cross the line of actually banging. They’re still professor and student, which is a no no.

Gabriel's Inferno, Part II': How to watch steamy new movie shot in Syracuse  -

Gabriel begins to “court” Julia, and though Julia is nervous and a bit hesitant, she begins to enjoy it. What I do find interesting is the fact that she wants him to fully open up to her about his demons, rather that’s his drug use, abuse, etc. She refuses to open up to him about her secrets. Come on, girl! A share for a share. The struggle begins to weight on them when they can’t be seen together and Julia is hanging out with her friend Paul and Gabriel is talking to a teacher that everyone knows is into S&M. Yeah…her students know this about this teacher! It’s a common knowledge, that she confirms, and that’s not breaking any school policy?

Part 2, for a shocking reason, is much more cornier, definitely funnier but not because it’s comedy but because it’s ridiculous. One thing that shocks me is that a teacher/student relationship is total taboo but as long as it’s not sexual it’s okay. So does that mean it’s technically not taboo because it’s accepted? I’m confused!

Gabriel's Inferno Movie. 📚 (@GabrielsInfern0) | Twitter

I will say as another spoiler warning, just like part 1, you don’t get sex in this one either! Fifty shades wasn’t great but at least they gave us something. I understand that they are trying to not cross that line, but they’ve already crossed that line when they kissed, slept together, dry humped each other. Lines crossed all over the place!

I feel like I have to say this, just like the first review, it sounds like I’m shitting on this movie. Which I probably I am, but I was entertained. Have you ever watched a bad movie that you just couldn’t stop watching it? Then after ,though it was bad you don’t regret watching? That’s how I see this series. And maybe because I didn’t read the books I’m not as invested because I see many fans of the series who loved these adaptions. It might be, but the fact remains, I didn’t read the books and I have watched these two movies and boy do I have stuff to say. Bad movie or not, I’m entertained for those 2 hours, I’m laughing and my brain is completely shut off. I have to thank them for that.

I have to end this review that if there’s no sex in the finale film I’m going to be hella pissed! So wish me luck on the finale movie! And if I happened to make you laugh in this review, that my friends is an accomplishment…but I do agree with everything I just said.

Gabriel’s Inferno: Part 1 Movie Review

FAIR WARNING…I DID NOT READ THE BOOKS! So I went into this movie with no expectations, no knowledge and absolute judgment.

Usually I read the book, then judge. So that was a nice little change.

Gabriel's Inferno: Part 1 (2020) - IMDb

Professor Gabriel Emerson, is feared, respected, and total hard ass. Julia Mitchell is his quiet, shy, yet brilliant student. Julia doesn’t talk much, and you can say she’s shy or likes to keep to herself. So when Professor Emerson asks to see her in his office, Julia is basically throwing in her towel and saying “that’s a wrap.”

Because you see, Gabriel and Julia have history but Gabriel can’t remember. Julia, keeping that information to herself, tries to get by and hope he can remember what they were once to each other. So you have this forbidden chemistry between teacher and student.

Gabriel's Inferno YIFY Torrent Magnet & Gabriel's Inferno YIFY Subtitles

At the beginning I was completely confused as to what was happening. It did take a little while for it to connect. What I found strange was that even though the story was confusing to get at the beginning, so was the time frame. For example, Gabriel, whose a total creep and a dick, just yelled at Julia, belittled her actually, then takes her out to dinner.! I have never had “what the fuck just happened” moments so much in one movie.

18+ Gabriel's Inferno 2020 English Hot Movie 480p HDRip 400MB x264 AAC |

Gabriel is constantly reminding Julia that they must be professional and yet he shows how jealous and possessive he is towards her. All while Julia accepts it! Granted he was her first, everything and he doesn’t remember. Which brings me to another example of confusing timing! Julia is Gabriel’s sister’s best friend and yet they never meant, until one day Julia and Gabriel meet…and kiss, hold hands, cuddle, all on the same day!

My mind is blown people!

Have you guys watched Gabriels Inferno? ❤️ : RomanceBooks

Gabriel’s Inferno is in the same wheel house of Fifty Shades, similarity galore. You have the innocent virgin falling for the mysterious, wealthy, dominate man. I will say the movie has so many questions that you can’t help but want answered. Is it corny? Oh man yes. Chessy? Absolutely! Do I want to continue to watch the other two parts? Hell yes! I want my questions answered damn it!

GABRIEL'S INFERNO - New Official Trailer (PASSIONFLIX) - YouTube

At no point was I watching this and thinking “I smell Oscar nominations.” That being said, I think the actors did good. Melanie Zanetti who plays Julia, is definitely the star and I think she did an amazing job in acting like the innocent young woman. I found it irritating when Gabriel was all but bulling her and she would just take it. And it wasn’t until the end that I finally clapped with approval. It was exactly the same as Anastasia in Fifty Shades. Identical.

Leggo Rosa: GABRIEL'S INFERNO - Tentazione e Castigo di Sylvain Reynard

Another thing I found disappointing was the lack of chemistry. Not to say there wasn’t any, just not enough to make me believe these two want each other, let alone have history. I will say that perhaps it will be stronger in the next two films, it was just something this movie was able to convey. It does seem like I hated this movie, when I really didn’t! Yes, has a lot of issues, what movie doesn’t. I had questions during and I want answers which means I want more. That’s a plus. I have read that fans of the book loved this adaption, which is rare and awesome. As someone who hasn’t read it I can only say that I found it entertaining, rather I was laughing at it or not I couldn’t stop watching it. I want to know how the story ends, I want to see if it improves. If a movie success in that aspect, it did it’s good well.

Gabriel’s Inferno can be watched on Passionflix

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Netflix Rebecca Movie Review

As a fan of the novel and Alfred Hitchcock’s adaption, you can see why it took me a little while to finally watch this movie.

Oh, my expectations were high!

Rebecca (2020 film) - Wikipedia

A young woman played by Lily James, is a paid companion. Someone who is paid to go on trips, converse, etc. When she’s with her very belittling boss, she meets the very wealthy and hot as hell Maxim De Winter, played by Armie Hammer. They soon become close and when reality hits that they will be parted, Max proposes.

Rebecca (2020) Review | Movie - Empire

Max lives in this gorgeous estate, Manderley, and now freshly new Mrs. De Winter must learn how to live in this new life. Which is difficult when you aren’t accustom to that lifestyle, but what Mrs. De Winter must deal with is the housekeeper Mrs. Danvers. Now, the story focuses on three character, Max, Mrs. De Winter and Mrs. Danvers. But in reality, in the movie you have to nail two characters, Mrs. De Winter and Mrs. Danvers. Max, is a charming, handsome guy and you know Armie Hammer is one just that but there are other actors who are charming and handsome and makes you feel instantly pregnant by watching them. I have a list!

Mrs. De Winter is a young, curious, vulnerable and later on broken character. Which Lily James did a great job in portraying. Though I do wish they showed more of the chemistry between Max and Mrs. De Winter, Lily James was convincing in her scenes with Mrs. Danvers. When I first read Rebecca, Mrs. Danvers brought chills down my spine. Her calculating schemes, her tone, her obsession with Rebecca, everything about her caused me discomfort that was relatable to what Mrs. De Winter was feeling. When I watched Judith Anderson as Mrs. Danvers in the Alfred Hitchcock’s adaption I was in shock. Because she killed it as Mrs. Danvers! So I knew that who ever was going to play her had some huge shoes to fill. Luckly, Kristin Scott Thomas absolutely filled that role very well.

Rebecca' Review: Period Indulgence, Not Romance, Keeps Remake Afloat

Though Thomas brought more of the calculating feel, while Anderson was more chilling, obsessed driven that the novel described, I don’t think they could have found a better actress to play Mrs. Danvers. Mrs. De Winter, still learning the ropes of her new life, is struggling when everything in the house has Rebecca’s touch. Her bedroom is as it once was, her mail is still on the table and even her hair brush Mrs. De Winter uses belonged to Rebecca. Max refusing to tell her how Rebecca died, Mrs. De Winter feels Rebecca’s ghost haunting her.

Is Rebecca on Netflix Scary? | POPSUGAR Entertainment

She tries to do everything she can to make Max happy and make her stamp as the new Mrs. De Winter, but Mrs. Danvers is also watching and plotting. I enjoyed watching it. Do I prefer this 2020 version than Hitchcock’s, no but it’s one I can definitely watch again. Which is an awesome compliment in my book. Netflix Rebecca is a great movie and one that should be watched. Rebecca is still one of my all time favorite classic novels and when it’s mentioned I think of the novel and Alfred Hitchcock. However, I have two versions now, which is always a plus!

New trailers this week: Rebecca, The Truffle Hunters, Sneakerheads, and of  course Dune - The Verge

After We Collided Movie Review

I hate chessy movies…however…I have my chessy guilty pleasure movies. There’s a difference people.

After We Collided | Book by Anna Todd | Official Publisher Page | Simon &  Schuster AU

After We Collided is the sequel for After, and based on the beloved series by Anna Todd. Before you all start, and I’m sure there are a few comments out there already, bashing this movie, remember if it’s not your cup of tea, DON’T WATCH IT! Simple! This is a teen romance, fictional as can be and cheesy feast. You don’t watch these movies and think, “possible Oscar nomination.” The movie is like Twilight and Fifty Shades. Made for the fans that loved the books. And as a fan of the books, I appreciate that.

Just had to get that out of the way before I start the review. Okay, let’s start!

The movie takes place right after the events of the last movie, which is you haven’t seen you might want to watch before you watch the sequel. Hardin played by Hero Fiennes Tiffins and Tessa played by Josephine Langford are feeling the after effects of their break up. Hardin has gone back to drinking his sorrows away and Tessa, though heartbroken, has landed an internship at a publishing company. Here we met our first new characters in the series.

Trevor played by a now adult Dylan Sprouse. He plays the very cool, collective and mature colleague. We also meet Kimberly, Christian and Smith, played by Candice King, Charlie Weber and Max Ragone. Kimberly welcomes Tessa and quickly become friends, though I wish they would have shown a bit more of that, I will say I am sadden to know she will not be returning for the next two films. Because she was a great cast for Kim. Christian, Tessa’s boss was also a great cast, and wished it would have shown more of him, they were able to show just how playful, serious, and hot as hell. Which should be a category.

Dylan Sprouse and "The Vampire Diaries" Star Candice King Make First  Appearance in "After We Collided" Clip
Christian, Smith & Kimberly!!! The Vance fam!! | Movies, After movie,  Kimberly

Tessa and Hardin drawn together like a flame, reunite when Tessa hilariously drunk calls him. And Hardin anxious to be with her and worried that she’s drunk as hell at a night club, races to her. And like any horny young adult things get steamy. Which you could say Tessa had liquid courage or she knew what she wanted and went for it. Either way, this scene was one of my favorites because it showed Tessa had changed with what Hardin did to her. She wasn’t going to be the innocent and walk all over Tessa anymore and I loved that!

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But like every relationship, there are hardships, and for Tessa and Hardin that’s an understatement. I liked that they showed more of Hardin’s struggle with acceptance and his alcoholism. One of the reasons why I love the books for much was because it felt realistic than your typical teen romance. Hardin had witness a horrific incident as a child which has been carried out through his adulthood. Tessa still struggling with trusting Hardin she also struggles with trying to help him.

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I have to give credit to Hero and Josephine. You do see the growth from the last film and especially with this movie demanding more of them. The chemistry between these two work and if it didn’t the movie wouldn’t be as good because their love is the center of the whole thing. That is all actors and I can’t image it’s easy to have multiple sex scenes with a room full of people watching. But what I did like was that not only was it sexier, which I’m thankful for, but the emotional parts. These two are put through the ringer more times than a person should have to be put through. And again these actors did a great job!

After We Collided: Dylan Sprouse, Josephine Langford, Hero Fiennes Tiffin  talk sequel |

Another thing I appreciated was the fact that the movie is rated-R and the books are DEFINITELY R RATED. Roger Kumble, who just so happened to also direct Cruel Intentions, did a good job in showcasing the intensity of Tessa and Hardin’s relationship, together and apart. Tessa, having multiple people in her life telling her that Hardin will bring nothing but pain and suffering. Hardin dealing with his demons of his past and trying desperately to keep the only good thing that has ever happened to him, which is Tessa. The story deals with struggles of the past, and the effects of it, family, redemption, and asking yourself if it’s worth it or not.

After We Collided" Got Its Release Date | Feeling the Vibe Magazine

I enjoyed the movie! It was corny, chessy, sexy, funny, and a good adaption. It ended perfectly to follow the next installment. It reminds me how it was watching the Twilight movies for the first time, or Fifty, with my girls friends. It’s a movie that you don’t expect to have a 10/10 on rotten tomatoes. Any movie that can make me enjoy myself and shut off my brain for a 2 hour period is a gold star in my book.

So have an open mind and you can really watch the trailer and tell if it’s a movie you might be interested in or not. But if you’re willing and it might interest you, then have fun with it. I did and will probably watch again! That being said I can’t wait for the last two films and I thank Roger Kimble and the rest of the cast members that have been recasted for their roles.

After We Collided is available on Amazon Prime, Youtube, Vudu and Google Play.