A stand-alone movie I’ve been waiting for since Civil War.

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After the events of the first Avengers the streets of New York need to be cleaned up, obviously. Michael Keaton’s character is about of the crew that is cleaning up the mess our heroes have created. When an organization, run by none other than Tony Stark, they’re immediately shut down. Angry that himself and his crew is out of a job he takes it upon himself to steal some of the alien artifacts and sell them on the streets. Ultimately becoming the Vulture. What they did so well was make this ordinary dad, who has lost his job and a way to support his family into a realistic villain. A person can either find another way or lean towards crime and I thought that was brilliant! Rock bottom can make or break someone.

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Present time and we see that Peter Parker (Tom Holland) is still very much eager in joining the Avengers after fighting along side Iron Man (Robert Downer Jr.). Then Tony tells him that he will call me when needed and sends Peter to a much more cruel place…high school. After months of nothing from Stark, Peter still tries everything to prove that he’s worthy by saving cats from a tree, to helping an old lady find her destination etc. Tom Holland as Spider-man couldn’t have been better. He is something we haven’t seen before and that’s a teenage Spider-man.

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I wasn’t a huge Spider-man fan growing up and I did enjoy Tobey Maguire’s take but if I had to choose I would choose the animated series that really captivated the essence of the teen years of Spider-man. Tom really brought it because he is young. All the high school scenes and he’s struggle with wanting to prove himself but still dealing with crushes and bullies and homework and what teens actually go through was amazing to see. Another great character was his best friend Ned played by Jacob Batalon. He played the fascinated, nerdy and concerned friend that worked well in the film.

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What they risked on was telling this origin story without really going into the origin story. It was freakin awesome! We know Aunt Ben died, we know Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider so we don’t need to see it. It starts off after Civil War and now Peter has to learn to live his life with what he’s witness and dealt it all in his teenage years. I didn’t expect to have loved it as much as I did. Granted, I went in with high expectations between we had already experienced Tom Holland in Civil War and loved it, so this was to be mega high. A lot of people were confused seeing Tony Stark in the trailers and thinking it was another Iron Man movie, but he really didn’t come on screen much and when he did he didn’t over stay his welcome and shy away from Peter. Like I said early, there is not Uncle Ben and the who ” with power comes great responsibility.” Tony fills in the mentor role with Peter and why Peter is do determined to impress him.


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The action is awesome and a lot of it. The humor was great and was placed so well without it feeling like a comedy movie, because it isn’t. It’s a coming of age story that he so happens to be a super hero and there’s humor. There’s one typical scene where I had tears in my eyes because I was laughing so hard!

Tom Holland kills it as Peter Parker and Spider-man! The movie was fun, exciting, Michael Keaton is intimating as hell as the Vulture, and a achieved in creating a fan out of me. I can’t wait to see movie of Peter as his matures and definitely in Infinity War.

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Spider-man: Homecoming was a film I didn’t now I needed until after I was walking out of the theater.

Until next time…


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